Have you ever wondered if you wound up on the wrong planet? Life can feel that way sometimes!
Perhaps you were taught that the fall corrupted the world, the ground got cursed, and human nature got twisted. Is it possible that even reason might be fallen? Is there any escape?
Scripture points to a time when wolves and lions no longer bite and devour. Poisonous snakes cause no alarm—the serpent eats dust, not the heel of mankind!
“The wolf and the lamb will graze together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox; and dust will be the serpent’s food. They will do no evil nor act corruptly in all My holy mountain,” says YAHWEH (Isaiah 65:25 LSB).
Now maybe this improved world will exist only in Zion, God’s “holy mountain.” Maybe it will last only for a thousand years under Messiah’s reign. After that, those who prefer today’s world may want off the planet (see Revelation 20:7-10).
But why a thousand years? By then, maybe every square inch of the heavens and the earth will bask in the primordial glory of day six. That was when God called His Creation “Very Good” (see Genesis 1:31).
Yet the next moment, Satan will be released to tempt humankind one final time. Only after that rebellion are the dead from all time judged (see Revelation 20:11-5).
Then, Messiah permanently ends the last curse, every vestige of darkness, and the final enemy—death (see Revelation 22:3, 5; 1 Corinthians 15:26).
Most wonderfully, those who remain rule forever, as a kingdom of priests and kings (see Exodus 19:5-6; 1 Peter 2:4-5; Revelation 5:10; 22:4).
When time ends, God’s servants live forever—with glorified bodies in the radiant fireball of God’s unfading glory.
©Jeffrey Enoch Feinberg. JEF says: Rest in God’s light since only God’s glory remains forever.