Getting Started

How do you approach the Bible? It has so much to offer! History, stories of old? Instruction, advice for living? Poetry and song? Comfort? Hope? Perhaps you have no clue. Maybe it has been awhile since you cracked open the Good Book. That’s okay! Start somewhere, choose a favorite verse, Read more…

It’s Not Your Story

You didn’t create yourself. You don’t remember being born. You don’t even remember your first birthday, except for that picture of you with the cake! How did you come alive? When were you created? Did someone take care of you until you knew you were breathing? You look around, and Read more…

Ponder this …

What if you could follow God around, see what He’s doing, and live forever? Would you? Maybe it takes a miracle, but free will allows for this! You must want fruit from the Tree of Life, staying in Paradise forever. If you don’t honestly want to stay young and live Read more…

What’s Up with That?

Your best friend comes to town, and a get-together is in the works. The meeting will take place at your favorite restaurant. You haven’t seen your friend in months. Who can compete with overseas travel and vacationing at company expense? But now your friend is waiting for you in the Read more…