The B-I-B-L-E … yes, that’s the Book for me!
We love the Bible!

We come from Jewish and Christian backgrounds
and we take God’s Word seriously:

  • Hebrew Scriptures (Tanakh or Old Testament)
  • Greek Scriptures (New Testament or New Covenant)

The Whole WORD — yes, HIS Story,
from Paradise in the beginning,
back to Paradise at the end of days!

Some delve in deep by studying texts in their original languages. Others compare various English versions to see the breadth of meaning. We read devotionally, sing Scripture songs, journal, make calligraphy cards, tell stories, perform drama skits, and more.

Our blog bytes come from lay people, Bible study leaders, pastors, rabbis, musicians, artists, cartographers, archaeologists, historians, linguists, and Bible translators. Read about our contributors in their blog bytes to learn more about their interests and services.

We offer our resources to use as part of your very own script for engaging with Scripture. Let’s help each other grow as we journey along the Way!